You must attend the swim briefing 25 minutes before your swim wave start time. You should arrive at the swim briefing ready to start your race.
Swim Length and Configuration
The swim takes place in the 25-metre indoor pool. This will be split into five lanes, with a maximum of four swimmers in each lane. Those in your swim lane will have a similar 100m swim pace to you.
Sprint Distance - 400m - 16 lengths
Super Sprint Distance - 200m - 8 lengths
Swim Start
Ensure you are poolside for your briefing at least 25 minutes before your swim wave start time. If you miss your swim wave start time you will have to wait until the final wave of the day.
Swim hat and timing chip
You will be given a coloured swim hat and a timing chip with a velcro strap to be placed around your ankle. The swim hat allows the lane counters to identify you in your lane, you will return your swim hat at the end of the swim. Your timing chip will remain with you until the end of the event.
Swim Stroke
You must complete the swim in front crawl or breaststroke. You are not allowed to swim back stroke or butterfly.
Counting Lengths
It is your responsibility to count your lengths, although there are lane counters who will assist you. When you have 2 lengths remaining a pool float will be put in the water to notify you of this.
No overtaking mid-lane allowed. If you catch the person in front of you and wish to overtake, tap them on the foot so they know you wish to pass and then stay behind. If you are taped on the foot, you must stop at the end of that length and let them pass.
Exit the swim
On exiting the swim, WALK to the exit door, take your swim hat off and put your swim hat in the bucket by the exit. Once outside head to transition T1.
Lower North Street
BS27 3HH